Thursday, February 2, 2012

Amos Keen to Start!

Amos Keen to Start!

Stamford Bridge, this Sunday, could be a testing ground for young Ben Amos to make his first Premier League away start for Manchester United.

The keeper, deputizing for De Gea and Lindegaard, made his first start for United, against Stoke, and did himself proud.

Naturally, Amos is looking for an extended run in the side and has spoken about just such a thing, to the media, remarking,

"I`ve obviously been waiting a long time for an opportunity this season and thankfully its come and I`d like to think I`ve made the most of it. I feel I`ve been ready to play at this level all season."

"It can be frustrating when the chances don`t come around but you`ve got to be ready."

"When it does happen, you`re thrown straight in as I was."

"All I can do is go out and do my best and put pressure on the other keepers in training and try to get a chance in the games. But it`s the managers` decision."

Would you be happy for Amos to keep his place or does Stamford Bridge call for a little more experience?

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